There are times where you need to throw together a quick adventure with very little notice. Here are a few tables to quickly create an interesting quest for your players to partake.

D6 Quest

  1. Kill/Destroy
  2. Protect
  3. Deliver
  4. Retrieve
  5. Investigate
  6. Restore

D6 Objective

  1. Person
  2. Creature
  3. Place
  4. Resource
  5. Item
  6. Idea

D6 Relevance

  1. Social
  2. Political
  3. Economic
  4. Ideological
  5. Militant
  6. Moral
This simple 3d6 block is great for providing the framework to flesh out a quest.

If I were to roll 1,6, and 5 for example; the adventure could be to destroy (1 kill/destroy) secret orders to round up the dwarves (5 idea) to work in a military internment camp to provide the military with iron (5 militant).

In contrast 4, 5, 4 would result in the adventurers needing to retrieve (1 retrieve) a long lost scepter belonging to a dead enemy nation ( 5 item) that will bolster the people’s morale when facing another expansionist monarch (4 ideological).

If you need further help with a location to ground the quest in here is another d20 table for you.

  1. Tavern
  2. Foundry
  3. Museum
  4. Garden
  5. Temple
  1. Keep
  2. Academy
  3. Theater
  4. Market
  5. Docks
  1. Sewer
  2. Mausoleum
  3. Mine
  4. Ruin
  5. Cavern
  1. Factory
  2. Estate
  3. Prison
  4. Warehouse 
  5. Observatory